deeper life pastor healed crippled man

July 11, 2015 – Picture: Deeper Life, Nigerian Pastor Enahoro Heals Crippled Hausa Man In Ketu Lagos
 In the era of stage managed miracles by fake pastors who parade themselves as men of God, it is hard to tell which of them are really sent by God. But this was not for Suraju, a popular beggar at Ketu bus-stop in Lagos who according to eye witnesses got healed by a Deeper Life Bible Church pastor who identified him­self as Pastor Enahoro.
Saturday Sun gathered that the cripple often crawls to a particular place where he begs passers-by for his daily bread prior to his healing.
Speaking to our correspondent, the pas­tor who performed the miracle said that he had noticed the man for weeks and was moved with compassion to pray for him.
“Anytime I pass this area, I noticed that he normally begs at this spot. That was about three weeks ago. By God’s grace, I saw him and I pitied his situation and I prayed to God to give me the grace to pray for this man.
“At a certain time, I stood for some minutes looking at him but talking to God on how I will go about it. But after that very day of praying, I summoned the cour­age. I told God that this is not the minis­try of delivering insane people which He called me to do.
“I told God to bless me with other min­istry so that I can help people. So it was today I saw him but I had a particular mis­sion to go to Adekunle area to look for a particular man who was insane to pray for him and so by the grace of God, as I was contemplating whether I should go or not, I just went to him with boldness believ­ing God that a miracle would happen. So I went to him and asked him how long he had been in that situation and whether he would like to walk again, I kept asking him. He just said no to all the questions. It was then I knew he could not understand English.
“Then I saw somebody, a guy pushing a wheel barrow who I believed under­stood Hausa. I told him to help me tell the man that I would want to pray for him and would want him to walk. He did as I told him and the man still said no, that was when I knew it was not just language barrier but the activities of darkness. Then I prayed for him and miraculously, he walked,” he said.
Another witness, Shola who was among the crowd awed by the miracle told our correspondent that he knew the beggar.
“I know this beggar. For a long time now, he has been begging for money at this particular spot, from morning till late at night. Honestly, this is my first time to see such a miracle,” he said.
Speaking through a translator, the man who was healed said he hails from Kastina State and has been a cripple and begged for alms for 27 years.